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We are working on putting up various signs around campus to promote awareness around environmental issues, and tell people how they can help.


here are a couple of the projects we are working on currenty



Starting this semester, we are having challenges where we invite the school to reduce their environmental impact by competing with each other.

With the dining hall now composting both pre and post-consumer waste, we are hoping to get Olin to also switch over to single-stream recycling in order to reduce that amount of waste that we produce.


Frankly Speaking is a great way to reach out to the Olin community, and so we are going to be writing articles for Frankly Speaking about what is going on with GrOW, and what we hope to accomplish in the future.


Using a dryer wastes a lot of energy, and so we are in the process of getting drying racks for both East and West Hall. These would be in laundry rooms, and anyone would be able to use them to dry their clothes.


Colleges throw out an unbelievable amount of uneaten food each year. The Food Recovery Network aims to take the food that was prepared, but not served, and take it to local non-profits. This not only reduces a college's impact on the environment, but also benefits the local community. We are working on setting this up at Olin!

to get involved with a project, click 'help out' next to the project

The divestment movement is a push to get colleges, businesses, cities, people, etc. to divest their money from fossil fuel companies. When you invest in fossil fuel companies, not only are you supporting these companies that are accelerating climate change, you are also making a risky investment. We hope to eventually get Olin to divest it's endowment from these dirty companies.


Olin has a lot of grass in places where people rarely go. This can be harmful to the surrounding ecosystem as grass is very much a monoculture. We hope to take some of those spaces and turn them into a garden using native plants.


future projects

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